We are currently in the middle of Industry 4.0, and it is a must to embrace technology and not veer away from it thinking it is a foe or refusing it out of fear. Whether we think Artificial Intelligence (AI) take over will develop or think human laziness will prevail, the VET sector of Australia will greatly benefit from utilising technology in its operations from training practices, industry engagement, virtual or online learning, and student support services among many others.
Here are the technologies RTOs must be using by now to ensure the best education outcomes:
Online learning – Online learning platforms have been present for a long time so it is a must to have a strong online platform for educational content, resources and e-learning with an edge over other platforms that offer the same services.
Online learning strategies must also be utilised in these platforms. Not only does this further distance learning, it also allows access to every student cohort. The strategies must be practical, effective and evidence-based to ensure that it will result in a cost-efficient, interactive and a more personalised learning. Multimedia, interactive simulations and gamification are some of the things that can be integrated into online learning.
Data Analytics – To know students better and how to help them thrive not only in their classes but also in their future endeavours, training providers must use data analytics to measure and track student progress and analyse student performance. If we can identify points of improvement for students, only then can we provide them excellent student support services that can detect the need for early intervention and counselling and in turn produce competent VET graduates.
Digital Assessments – This can include online quizzes and other tests which can be done and graded completely online. But most importantly for the VET sector, we can also integrate practical assessments using various tools and formats available such as simulations of real-life work situations for observation type of assessments.
EdTech tools – Online tools as an assistive technology aids both students and RTO professionals. Tools such as plagiarism checkers for written assessments, learning management systems or mobile apps for ease of access to records, learning resources or materials, and language chatbots to enhance writing skills among other tools that could provide added support.
To think of technology as an ally and use it to one’s advantage is the key to improving education outcomes. This is one of the things that will be discussed in the Australian VET Conference, Dr Denise Meyerson, an expert in adult education will share with us her thoughts on integrating education technology to vocational education where she will touch on the subjects Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR). Join us this March 6-8, 2024 as we embrace technology into the future of the VET sector. Check out the 2024 Austalian VET Conference website for more information.
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- Marie Geraldine Caballero
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