Dr. Steven Hodge

Director of Griffith Institute
for Educational Research (GIER)

Steven Hodge is the Director of Griffith Institute for Educational Research (GIER) and an expert in the relationship between curriculum development and educator practices. His work spans adult and vocational education, focusing on translating occuptionalknwoledge into effective curricula. Syeven has collaborated with organisations like ASQA, NCVER and the World Bank and serves as an editor for the International Journal of lifelong education.

Standards are critical for driving consistency and quality in complex systems. In VET systems like Australia’s, standards expressed in units of competency describe desirable learning outcomes. However, curriculum -the bridge between these standards and learner’s needs- has long been neglected in VET. This presentation will explore the content of the curriculum, its importance in a standards-based system, and how its principles can address the challenges of building a flexible and innovative workforce.


  • Discover key curriculum principles that enhance flexibility and innovation in VET
  • Understanding the role of curriculum in mediating between learner’s current knowledge and competency standards.

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