Michael Hartman

of Skills Insight Jobs and Skills Council

Michael is an experienced chief executive officer, leader and strategic thinker who has served in leadership to several organisations associated with the national coordination of industry leadership in VET and skills. These include holding the CEO roles in a National Industry Training Advisory Body, an Industry Skills Council, a Skills Service Organisation and currently  Skills Insight, one of ten Commonwealth appointed Jobs and Skills Councils. Skills Insight covers Agribusiness, Fibre, Furnishing, Food, Animal and Environmental Care.

His career has focused on adult learning and education in the context of industry productivity, workplace-based learning systems and national competency-based standards and qualifications. He has also led an industry wide Innovation Skills Program for a broad range of industry sectors. He works strategically, partnering with like organisations and interacting strategically with multiple stakeholders, including Industry leaders, unions, government, RTOs including TAFEs.

Michael is a member of the Governance Institute and holds qualifications in Governance, Risk Management, Strategic Leadership, Community Services Management, Workplace Training and Assessment, Innovation for Leaders and is trade qualified.

Skills Insight participated enthusiastically with the Qualifications Reform Design Group with the other nine Jobs and Skills Councils to consider  better ways for designing qualifications and units of competency.

This session will present Skills Insights learnings from its demonstration project and examine where to from here, following a Skills Ministers’ announcement in December 2025.

Skills Insight will be testing the implementation of a revised qualification framework via its training package projects during 2025 and this session will look at what is being trialled and why.

Attendees will leave this session with a clear view of the qualifications reform landscape and what they can expect in the future from this national initiative.

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Have you been overcooking the content and undercooking the experience? Are you looking for the right ingredients to build ongoing learner engagement in your training? This workshop may be the answer for you. In this highly interactive session, you will be provided with at least 12 dynamic techniques that will make you the master chef of the training room! These techniques can be easily integrated into any learning environment and are targeted at helping the presenter to attract and maintain interest and increase participation. Techniques include activities for individuals, small groups as well as the whole group. There will also be variations provided for those working in an online environment