To all RTO professionals, we are delighted to share with you the upcoming Australian VET Conference this 6-8 March 2024.
The second focal point of the conference is:
Making VET programs responsive to industry needs,
Ensuring VET is accessible to all Australians,
Using technology to improve education outcomes,
Developing a culture of quality and self-assurance, and
Delivering a workforce that works better

Knowing that the VET sector is always an open option and there are different pathways to entering the sector makes a difference. There are public and private providers of VET courses which makes it easily accessible for those who wish to pursue practical learning opportunities or as a stepping stone to further studies.
Why is it important to ensure that all people have access to VET courses?
Reasoned and informed choice – Adult learning is always guided by the idea that learners have greater sense of identity, whether it’s your first time to enter or re-enter the workforce or want to upskill, the VET sector is a great option for you to explore in your career development and make reasoned and informed choices.
Skilled workforce – Skilled workers are important assets. In any type of industry, employers need skilled individuals. The purpose of VET courses and programs is to train individuals to have specific skill sets and continued upskilling to allow them to take on complex work and become more productive. VET programs allow people to develop their current skills, acquire new ones, and gain qualifications.
Equal Opportunities – Equal access to quality education is essential to increasing participation rate, eliminating learning poverty, growing skilled workforce, and ensuring inclusivity. This means that the VET sector is open to all including part-time students, adults, migrants, people with disabilities, and indigenous peoples.

How can this be done?
Flexible study programs – Registered Training Organisations, or providers of VET programs allow flexible study options which include different learning methods such as online and face to face trainings, flexible payment terms, and full-time or part-time study. Having flexible study programs that cater to the varying needs of learners is one way of ensuring access to VET.
Providers for specific industries – Australians have an option to choose to enrol in a public or private provider. Moreover, there are various organisations that offer specialised programs. For instance, there are courses for meat packers, truck drivers, and every other industry under the sun. This allows students to freely choose what program and from which provider to take.
Coordinate with government and industry leaders – Coordinating with government leaders, industry experts, and students allows organisations and the regulating bodies to keep up with the changing landscape of education and the labour market. Anticipating the needs of learners and different industries, and setting a vision for the sector are the keys to being responsive to the needs and challenges of the VET sector.
This is what the 2024 Australian VET Conference is for. It is here to promote and ensure that Vocational Education and Training is accessible to all Australians and commit to being a responsive, efficient, and cohesive VET sector to respond to current workforce and social challenges.
Check out the list of speakers, sponsors, venue, and program here and secure your spot now and get the early bird rates!
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- Paula