An organisation is only as good as its members, which is why it is imperative to build an organisation and foster its members to a culture of quality and self-assurance. Moreover, readiness to stand equal to the tasks given and quality work and output can only be carried out by skilled and self-assured individuals. But how can this be done? All these things together is the recipe to ensure a culture of quality and self-assurance for your organisation:
Know the strengths of your team members – Everyone has different strong points, it is important to know how to utilise and leverage the strengths of each member. This is done by identifying and recognizing capabilities and potentials, matching the skills to the right role and tasks, guiding without being overbearing, and setting clear and achievable expectations. By doing these things, each person can perform and excel in their job and deliver expected results.
Create a conducive environment – In any endeavour, once cannot function and flourish in an environment that is not conducive for growth. The environment and its atmosphere determines how one gets nurtured, therefore a positive work environment paired with good company values will make a good breeding ground for productivity, creativity and innovation.
Lead with commitment – An organisation with a true leader will make its members committed to the same goals and company mission and vision and a leader that leads by example builds trust and credibility. Once team members see a trustworthy leader, they will all follow suit to try and have the same drive and commitment to their work. Moreover, they will have the courage to take on and adapt to work challenges if they know their leader is also self-assured.
Conduct training and skills development sessions – In this industry that is ever evolving, no one will ever truly have a mastery of anything, so it is important to keep oneself and the organisation be up-to-date with the latest knowledge and continuously upskill by participating in trainings and other skills development sessions that hone one’s self and career.
Empower team members – People will feel empowered if their individual and team achievements are recognized and celebrated. By acknowledging efforts, they will feel the weight of their contributions to the organisation and thus become more inspired to perform well and give more to their job.
Join us at the 2024 Australian VET (AVET) Conference as Amanda Meyer talks about unpacking personality, emotional awareness, individuality, self talk, creative collaboration, respect, body language, diversity, and humility in developing a culture of quality and self-assurance for your organisation.
Check out the 2024 AVET Conference website to register.
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- Marie Geraldine Caballero
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